
Blogs: For greater understanding of the Kabbalistic system of counting the Omer, read Rabbi Ebn Leader on the development of this practice and it’s deeper meaning, Rabbi David Seidenberg on the mitzvah of counting, and see The Open Siddur Project’s beautiful rendering of the seven weeks.

Apps: Two helpful iOS apps for counting the Omer are: Omer Count by David Cooper and My Omer by Meaningful Life Center.

Flipbooks: If you’d like to use the Omer as time to process and work through shame, there is an excellent flipbook and .pdf from Rabbi Hayley Goldstein that combines the wisdom of Rabbi Nahman of Bratslav with the teachings of Brené Brown.

Books: The two most-recommended books for a basic understanding of Jewish mysticism and the Kabbalistic system for counting the Omer are Danny Matt’s The Essential Kabbalah and Rabbi Art Green’s Ehyeh: A Kabbalah for Today.